maandag 12 september 2011


Like everyone knows yesterday was 9/11.
Everyone knows what happend on that day 10 years ago.
In this blog im not gonna say how bad i feel for the United States,or complain how i feel sorry for them.
No not at all,in this blog i wanna complain about the United States.
Since the day i could talk english and talk to american people,they always say we freed you guys in the second world war so we are better then you.
That's like 66 years ago,well ok we remember it every year what happend in the second world war.But those stuck up americans still think they are almighty cause they freed us not willing to admit that great britain and canada also helpt and do you ever hear them say where better then you guys cause we freed you.
some time ago i saw that the B.I.S (the bank of international settlement) gave money to nazi germany so hitler could finance his campaign/war,there where even 2 nazi's that had high positions in the board of the B.I.S

After the second world war the cold war started.
Not many people know that the United states worked with old nazi generals to see what the USSR was doing.

Well now the come back to the present.
Almost everyone says that it was an attack from terrorists on 9/11 my opinion is Yes and No
it where infact terrorist that flew the plans and crashed them in the twin towers and pentagon,and flight 93

But in my eyes it's the fault of the United States itself.
now you ask why do you think that.
well because they always invade country's for what they say to bring peace and equal rights to everyone.
And what do they do they declare war to the leader of the country cause they know what the people want in that country.
In my eyes they just want to show how "strong" they are
But do you think is weird as those country's think well now it's enough and someone attacks them.
Ok i have to admit thousands of innoncent lives where lost that day and that is bad.
Just like any other war where innoncent lives are lost is bad.
I doesn't have to happen.
But now 10 years after 9/11 they still act if it's the worst thing that happend in the world but it's not the worst thing that happend its bad it happend but do they have to remember us every year about it?
I think it's anoying to see every year the same movies and intervieuws and documentary films about it.
And also everyone says something about it on the social media like facebook and myspace and i dont know what more.
well i know by myself it's 9/11 not everyone have to remember me about it.
Do i feel sorry for what happend that day?
No not really.
Do i think they deserved it?
Yes and no,Yes cause now they know also they are vulnerable and no because there are thousands of life losts.
Not one country is almighty it never was it isn't now and it will never be.

*Nobody can bring you peace but yourself

1 opmerking:

  1. And all of this wil get repeated every singleyear. Its horrible what happened, but i'm done with the same shit that comes back every year.
