dinsdag 13 september 2011

The seven deadly sins.

Hello all,the next blog is NOT written by me but written by Kim aka Kimora
I hope you guys enjoy.

The Seven Deadly Sins, are they really that bad?
Are you a Sinner or a Saint? Well.. I'm both. And honestly.. i'm more a Sinner than a Saint. And.. I like that. Why? Well, I tell you why.

First of all, I don't like to live by the rules you are getting when you are growing up. I believe that I can make rules for myself, so I can live the life the way I like it. Not because some son of a b*tch desides whats good or bad. It's my life.

Well, lets take a look at the seven deadly sins - for the guys who don't know what the hell i'm talking about, search Google, i'm done explaining. -

The first Sin on the seven deadly sin list is Lust. Lust, like sexual lust. Lets be honest, everybody in this freaking world at least must think about sex once in his or her life. Some people actually have sex and other people even pay for sex. Is that a sin? My answer: no. Why not? We are human. The urge for sex is in our blood. And without sex how will we ever get children? I guess most of you people know by this time that baby's not get delivered by birds wrapped in a towel, laying down in a basket. And believe me, Lust is a must if you want to have sex, or else there's no fun at it at all.

The second sin on the list is Gluttony.
The word means swallow or gulp down. In other words ''you eat like a pig''. Dont we all have a favorite type of food what we can eat, whenever or wherever, even after midnight, early in the morning of any time at day? When you see it, the water is running out of your mouth and all you can think of is that one special food that you like so much that you can dream about it? Don't you know that feeling? I sure do. I love eating food and I eat it alot. Sometimes I dont know how fast i can open the pakkage to eat it. Now you guys surely want to know what i'm talking about - I'm a girl, so you can expect this answer - chocolate. I love it, and i'm eating it a lot. You can ask my boyfriend, he will agree.

The third sin is Greed.
Greed, as in the word desire. You want something so bad that you will do anything to get it. Don't you guys ever had a moment like that? I bett you sure do, and i even bett that some of you even buy it when you got the money. It's good to want things in your life that make you happy - at least for a while - and if you got the money for it.. why not? Should we give all our money away to homeless people or donate it to the so called ''helping people out of misery'' organisations? I don't think so. I love to shop, to buy things that make me happy.

The fourt sin we call Sloth.
In other words it means that you're lazy. Come on.. Don't we all know that feeling on a sunday - or any other day of the week - that you don't want to do anything. That even taking a shower is too much for you? That you can lay down in your bed all day long? After a hard week at work I love having some days off, that I can walk around in a slobby pants, big sweather and watch tv all day.

The fifth sin is Wrath, better know as rage.
Now and then I can get very angry, angry like no one dare's to talk to me because they are affraid i will hurt them if they say something wrong. I dont get mad that easy, but when i'm mad, i'm really, really mad. And why shouldn't I? Must i accept that people play with my trust, feelings and pride? NO! No one is allowed to hurt me, and if they do why cant i get revenge? Revenge can be sooo sweet!

The sixth sin they call Envy.
Envy, or lets say it very straight: having a attitude, is in my eyes not that bad at all. When you're very good a something, why shouldn't you show it? Tell people how good you are, and a little bit arrogance don't hurt anyone.

The seventh, and even the last sin is Pride.
Pride, we all know what pride is. And pride is a good thing. When youre proud of something you did, say or when you reached a goal after having a hard time getting it, there's nothing wrong with having a little pride. I can say, i'm proud. Proud of what I reached so far after having a difficult time in my life. Is that wrong? I don't think so.

After typing this blog I wonder why it's so wrong ''back in the old days'' to have some of these ''sins'' I descibed above this text. The world is hard enough for us, so can we be at last a little bit happy with some of things like pride, lust and rage? Do we really have to swallow everything that somebody tell us to do? Can't we have our own opinion anymore?

I guess that's up for me and you to decide. Just live your own life, how you want to live, even if you brake some rules, be a little greedy now and then, show your pride and eat what you like. We are only here once at this motherfucking world, so let's live your life the way you want it. Even if it means that youre a Sinner.

"The more I had to act like a saint, the more I felt like being a sinner.''
- Max von Sydow -

maandag 12 september 2011


Like everyone knows yesterday was 9/11.
Everyone knows what happend on that day 10 years ago.
In this blog im not gonna say how bad i feel for the United States,or complain how i feel sorry for them.
No not at all,in this blog i wanna complain about the United States.
Since the day i could talk english and talk to american people,they always say we freed you guys in the second world war so we are better then you.
That's like 66 years ago,well ok we remember it every year what happend in the second world war.But those stuck up americans still think they are almighty cause they freed us not willing to admit that great britain and canada also helpt and do you ever hear them say where better then you guys cause we freed you.
some time ago i saw that the B.I.S (the bank of international settlement) gave money to nazi germany so hitler could finance his campaign/war,there where even 2 nazi's that had high positions in the board of the B.I.S

After the second world war the cold war started.
Not many people know that the United states worked with old nazi generals to see what the USSR was doing.

Well now the come back to the present.
Almost everyone says that it was an attack from terrorists on 9/11 my opinion is Yes and No
it where infact terrorist that flew the plans and crashed them in the twin towers and pentagon,and flight 93

But in my eyes it's the fault of the United States itself.
now you ask why do you think that.
well because they always invade country's for what they say to bring peace and equal rights to everyone.
And what do they do they declare war to the leader of the country cause they know what the people want in that country.
In my eyes they just want to show how "strong" they are
But do you think is weird as those country's think well now it's enough and someone attacks them.
Ok i have to admit thousands of innoncent lives where lost that day and that is bad.
Just like any other war where innoncent lives are lost is bad.
I doesn't have to happen.
But now 10 years after 9/11 they still act if it's the worst thing that happend in the world but it's not the worst thing that happend its bad it happend but do they have to remember us every year about it?
I think it's anoying to see every year the same movies and intervieuws and documentary films about it.
And also everyone says something about it on the social media like facebook and myspace and i dont know what more.
well i know by myself it's 9/11 not everyone have to remember me about it.
Do i feel sorry for what happend that day?
No not really.
Do i think they deserved it?
Yes and no,Yes cause now they know also they are vulnerable and no because there are thousands of life losts.
Not one country is almighty it never was it isn't now and it will never be.

*Nobody can bring you peace but yourself